Roland Roeder

Contact Information

Office: LD224F, Phone: (317) 274-6924, Fax: (317) 274-3460
Mailing address: IUPUI Department of Mathematical Sciences
LD Building, Room 224Q
402 North Blackford Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3267
Email: roederr "at"

References for my mini-course at the MINT summer school in Toulouse, June 2023
Summer school website

Research Papers

Research partially supported by:

NSF grant DMS 2154414. (Formerly by NSF Career grant DMS-1348589 (2014-2022), NSF Grant DMS-1102597 and start-up funds from the IUPUI Department of Mathematical Sciences.)

2022 Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference at IUPUI this November 18-20th.

IUPUI High School Math Contest

Past workshops:

Complex Dynamics School Building a bridge to higher dimensions, March 2022

Interplay between statistical mechanics, graph theory, computational complexity and holomorphic dynamics. June 10th and 11th of 2021 (held via Zoom).

Summer 2016 Workshop: Connections Between Complex Dynamics, Statistical Physics, and Limiting Spectra of Self-similar Group Actions


Mathematical Software

Education & Employment

Last updated: October, 2022.